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Instructions and Help about form health physical assessment
Hello my name is Michelle Allen and IN×39;making the advanced physical assessment and my professor is Dr. Olmstead ingoing to be our patient today how are you doing Amy good how are you good we're going to begin your physical exam by just orienting you time person in place can you tell me your full name Amy Renee ward okay can you tell me what city you live in right now Panama City Florida okay and what you×39;was it 2012 great okay she is oriented person place in town okay we're going to move on from Thailand test your abstract reasoning can you tell me what this metaphor means to you there is a light in the sea of darkness it means there is hope in the middle ofdarknessokay good next we×39’re going to test yourjudgement if you can×39’t read our bill Ina store what would you do with it IN×39’ll pick it up and take it to the front and see if a man had lost it great okay next IN×39’m going to just assess your mood and ethic and IN×39’m going to say today you appear to be in a good mood, and you're happy that's good next we×39’re going to check your calculation skills so IN×39’m gonna start so number 50 and what IN×39’ll do is just three times two rows to try it by seven, and you can just tell me the number so 50minus 743 good my 736 right one more time out of 729 great okay so now we'redoing to go on to test your memory so first we×39’re going to start by testing your immediate memory IN×39’m going to say three numbers and just have you repeat it back to me every 5 7 12 5 7 12 great for immediate memory IN×39’m going to show you three objects and later on the assessment I will ask you to recall what showed you okay, so it's a pin a post-it note Padang a paper clip and IN×39’ll ask you later tell you to fall okay all right if you×39’re a memory I'must go to ask you about your pas twill say what city were you born in Birmingham Alabama okay great okay next×39’re going to check your fine motor skills IN×39’m going to close your eyes and touch your nose with your lip index finger okay now with your right indexfingergreat okay next we×39’re going to check rapid alternating movements okay with you sitting you can just straight your legs okay just Pat your legs your knees your hand line great and increase the speed a little right okay you have good often any movements okay next we×39;redoing to check your gait if you want toucan stand up at the edge with it adjust walk heel to toe to the other edge of the bid okay great okay after you will just anus in a bit with your eye I'm going to ask you to close your eyes why is you standing still for a few seconds okay, but you can open your eyes stay patient past the Rom berg test you get up sway to either side okay next toucan sit back on the bed we are now going to check your cranial nerves we×39’re going to begin with cranial nerve one which is the olfactory nerve I'm going to have you close your eyes and I just close one nostril under the open nostril I'm going to pull open the vowel of smell and ask you to...
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